Movie Ultraman. Ultraman may have been reimagined for his Marvel Comics debut, but the monsters he'll be fighting hark back to the original movie franchise. Before Ultraman Zero begins his quest into outer space, his father, Ultraman Seven hands him the multi-purpose "Ultra Zero Bracelet".
You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register. Terdapat banyak pilihan penyedia file pada halaman tersebut. Of course, everything in the movie is just like the show, which is just decent Japanese kaiju tv action.
Starring: Kensuke Takahashi, Akane Sakanoue, Yoshihiko Hosoda and others.
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Ultraman Zero The Movie: Super Deciding Fight! Watch ULTRAMAN HD together online with live comments at Kawaiifu. The Ultraman trio are fighting a losing battle against the mercenaries, but just when things seem hopeless, Shinjiro's dormant power finally awakens.